A Look Back: The AHS Production of Little Women Photo Album
Jo March (junior Elizabeth Catchings) begins the play with a reading of an old poem.
The March family rejoices at the return of Father from the war.
Meg (senior Abigail Peterson) holds her sister Jo (junior Elizabeth Catchings).
The cast and crew listen to Fay instructing them on improving before the Thursday showing.
Behind the curtains, crew member sophomore Alex Reisser uses a blue light to follow along with the script and watch for curtain cues.
Crew member sophomore Alex Reisser starts on senior Faith Silvers’s makeup before rehearsal.
The cast and crew listen to Fay instructing them on improving before the Thursday showing.
Drama director Fay Cunningham changes seats to view rehearsals from behind stage.
John Brooke (senior Sam Nordbrock) clutches Meg’s lost glove after she’s left the room.
Senior Kieran Rundle readies the Christmas tree prop behind stage during rehearsal.
Seniors Alex Hardin, Josh Sprouse and Claire Flores listen as Fay coaches off camera.
The cast and crew listen to Fay instructing them on improving before the Thursday showing.
Junior Elizabeth Catchings mentally prepares to reenter onstage as Jo March.
Senior Isabel Johnson looks on from behind stage before stepping into the light.
Jo March (junior Elizabeth Catchings) gets up on her feet after a sparring match.
(LEFT TO RIGHT: freshman Olivia Barnaby, junior Regina Lario, seniorAbigail Peterson, senior Matthew Silvers) Before rehearsal, the AHS art hall is a rush of drama students helping each other prepare for the show.
Jo March (junior Elizabeth Catchings) mourns after tragedy hits the March family.
Marmee (junior Eva Nelson) comforts her daughter Jo (junior Elizabeth Catchings).
The March family gazes down as Beth (senior Cam Edson) lies sick in bed.
Drama director Fay Cunningham pauses rehearsal again to instruct cast members.
Jo March (junior Elizabeth Catchings) paces the stage and recites her writing aloud.
Seniors Sara Cahalen and Abigail Peterson share a candid look in-between rehearsal scenes.
Jesse Case, Staff Reporter
January 12, 2017